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Commandments of the System

To become a working part of the System you will have to learn its 10 commandments

                               1.there is to be no currency, instead every week each member will be given enough food to be considered
                                healthy and fit for work.

                               2. any member who does not meet their quota for any reason other than being physically unable is to be
                                isolated and starved until they comply.

                               3. no resource can be wasted on things that wont help the System this means that things like sports, TV,
                               movies and any other forms of entertainment are on the bottom of the Systems priority list.

                                4. children must be monitored during their childhood and education so that they can be selected for the                                tasks that they would contribute the most in.

                                5. people who cannot contribute to the System, cannot be fixed and only drain resources from it are to be                                thrown out of.

                               6. women can only be used as cooks or to give birth as this is all they would be need for.

                               7. every aspect of the System must be controlled by the government. nothing can be private.

                               8. every member must finish their assigned tasks with utter perfection and with the efficiency of a machine.

                               9. the internet and all other technologies can not be used for recreation and must only be used to aid the                                System.

                               10. no human or individual rights come before the System and all humans are to be thought of as a                                resource.                                                                    


Be sure to study these commandments thoroughly so that when the System is finally born you will be ready to contribute straight away!